Sharepoint server module

Starting Member
2009/06/16 11:08:49 (permalink)

Sharepoint server module

I installed sharepoint 3.0  successfully on my windows machine and I added that machine to the cluster but I cant see where and how you can configure that sharepoint server I installed the trial is it included on the trial

I went to the tools and went to the server services but I m not sure where to start the sharepoint management or why the icon is not clickable
I attached screenshots.


3 Replies Related Threads

    HC Staff
    HC Staff
    Re:Sharepoint server module 2009/06/17 01:27:33 (permalink)

    I installed sharepoint 3.0  successfully on my windows machine and I added that machine to the cluster but I cant see where and how you can configure that sharepoint server I installed the trial is it included on the trial

    Did you install Sharepoint using built-in MSDE  ( Not recommended ) or in Sql server ( recommended ) ?

    In order to run wss 3.0 machine should be running under Active Directory or part of domain controller is that correct in your case ?

    I went to the tools and went to the server services but I m not sure where to start the sharepoint management or why the icon is not clickable

    First enable sharepoint in HC cluster from ' Server Manager :: Global setting.
    Then Configure sharepoint site from ' Server Manager :: Edit Server :: Sharepoint setting "

    post edited by HC Tech - 2009/06/17 04:43:26
    Premium Member
    Re:Sharepoint server module 2009/06/17 02:50:12 (permalink)
    Very helpful instruction to remove cleanly sharepoint services from the machine, this will help if someone need to re-install sp.

    HC Staff
    HC Staff
    Re:Sharepoint server module 2009/06/17 04:42:49 (permalink)

    Very helpful instruction to remove cleanly sharepoint services from the machine, this will help if someone need to re-install sp.


    Good info Patrick, thx
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