LockedAuto Create SRV records for Exchange

Starting Member
2009/10/30 16:43:24 (permalink)

Auto Create SRV records for Exchange

It would be really nice if you could allow HC panel to auto create SRV records when creating domains. Currently, if you login as hcadmin, and then goto Server Manager :: My Servers :: Edit Server :: DNS Server and click on "ADD DNS RECORD" you can't add record type SRV. It would great if you we could add it as using [domain]. Then, when a Exchange domain is created on HC, it would automaticlly create the autodiscover record for the domain, and then autodiscover would work correctly. For information on how autodiscover works, please see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/940881 . Basically, what we have done is on our Exchange server is setup one SSL certificate for it. In this example we call it exchange.hosteddomain.com . We will call our hosted client contoso.com.
  1. Autodiscover posts to https://contoso.com/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml. This fails.
  2. Autodiscover posts to https://autodiscover.cont...over/Autodiscover.xml. This fails.
  3. Autodiscover performs the following redirect check: GET http://autodiscover.conto...cover/Autodiscover.xml
    This fails.
  4. Autodiscover uses DNS SRV lookup for _autodiscover._tcp.contoso.com, and then "exchange.hosteddomain.com" is returned.
  5. Outlook asks permission from the user to continue with Autodiscover to post to https://exchange.hosteddo...over/autodiscover.xml.
  6. Autodiscover's POST request is successfully posted to https://exchange.hosteddomain.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml.
Now we don't have to buy additional and expensive SSL certicates or create multpile Virtual directories on our Exchange server with mutliple IP address's.  So can HC please add this feature? Even make it turn on automatically when the panel is installed with Exchange? Either way, just want this added.
Second request I will make in next posting.
Lyle Epstein

2 Replies Related Threads

    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    Re:Auto Create SRV records for Exchange 2009/11/05 06:59:42 (permalink)
    We have added this feature request in To-do list, and hopefully it will be included in HC8 Build 6 or 7.

    Thanks for your suggestion.
    HC Staff
    HC Staff
    Re:Auto Create SRV records for Exchange 2010/10/04 11:43:53 (permalink)
    This feature is available now in Hosting Controller panel.
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