LockedApplication Pool inheritance

Premium Member
2010/03/12 01:11:20 (permalink)

Application Pool inheritance

We create websites on our servers with their own application pools since we are running ASP.NET versions right from 1.1 to 3.5. This is to avoid issues like the Server Application Unavailable errors. However, whenever a virtual directory is created in a website from HC, it is assigned the DefaultAppPool. This is actually because of the IIS behavior. I would request HC to modify the virtual directory creation script to inherit the application pool set to the parent website. This will resolve a lot of problems and support issues.

3 Replies Related Threads

    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    Re:Application Pool inheritance 2010/03/12 02:02:07 (permalink)
    We will be giving a feature soon where you will be able to select Application pool yourself at the time of VD creation. 
    Premium Member
    Re:Application Pool inheritance 2010/03/18 03:07:38 (permalink)
    Thanks a lot for the prompt response.
    HC Staff
    HC Staff
    Re:Application Pool inheritance 2010/10/04 11:45:22 (permalink)
    This feature is available in Hosting Controller since build8.
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