LockedWHMCS reports incorrect u/p when creating accounts in HC

Junior Member
2010/11/02 15:52:34 (permalink)

WHMCS reports incorrect u/p when creating accounts in HC

I have been through all avenues with support on this.  I am on Build8.  All configurations are correct, yet when I try to create a hosting package through WHMCS in HC it always says "incorrect username or password"
I verified that the user is correct under SERVERS in WHMCS.  And we are using the correct hc.php file.  I tried the Admin HC user, the reseller user, pretty much every user I could try.  Same result.
Any assistance?  I have yet to EVER get WHMCS to work with HC even though HC says it is supported.

1 Reply Related Threads

    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    Re:WHMCS reports incorrect u/p when creating accounts in HC 2010/12/28 12:31:45 (permalink)
    We have found the reason of this issue, actually since whmcs 4.3 version they have changed the parameter at their end due to which HC integration with whmcs has been broken in whmcs 4.3 and 4.4 version.  
    Current HC integration with whmcs will work fine if you use 4.1.x version. 
    This issue has been sorted out and new integration will be included in build10.
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