Lockedbandwidth calculation

Starting Member
2010/12/21 04:24:09 (permalink)

bandwidth calculation

I have a problem all my bandwidth usage report shown 0.00MB for both resellers and webadmins. The schedule for run the report is working properly, but all report have 0.00MB consumed. I am facing this issue on my windows 2008 64 bit server, any ideas ?

5 Replies Related Threads

    Junior Member
    Re:bandwidth calculation 2010/12/21 05:00:24 (permalink)
    You have to register logparser.dll on your server, and this logparser.dll is located in the application folder where Hosting Controller is installed.
    HC Staff
    HC Staff
    Re:bandwidth calculation 2010/12/21 05:47:12 (permalink)

    I have a problem all my bandwidth usage report shown 0.00MB for both resellers and webadmins. The schedule for run the report is working properly, but all report have 0.00MB consumed. I am facing this issue on my windows 2008 64 bit server, any ideas ?

    Using 64 bit OS we use Logparser.exe not logparser.dll (its for 32 bit OS). Please confirm if logparser.exe actually existed in HC web server installation directory  /hostingcontroller/application. If it is not then you can download from this URL and insert in to that location.
    Note: If you have multiple web servers then make sure it is existed on them too.
    Junior Member
    Re:bandwidth calculation 2010/12/21 09:46:05 (permalink)
    I face this problem too.
    Thanks for this info
    Junior Member
    Re:bandwidth calculation 2010/12/22 06:15:30 (permalink)
    Microsoft Log Parsing tool named "Log Parser" is used for bandwidth calculation and Microsoft has not released the 64 bit version of this tool and I think thats why HC has made its .exe file for 64 bit version OS. Cool!!!
    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    Re:bandwidth calculation 2010/12/28 12:34:52 (permalink)
    We will make sure that logparser.exe must copied in its correct location when user modify /apply new build.
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