LockedSmarter Tools product ****

2011/03/01 05:10:00 (permalink)

Smarter Tools product ****

We are using smarter mail server version 6, where our upgrade protection has been expired. Now when we contact them to upgrade on v7 they asked us to pay 85% of actual product cost.
What the hell is this... its almost like purchasing new product.
I wish that HC company shall stop this product support where they don't offer any special package for Hosting Controller users.
This is what on their website is listed
My upgrade protection expired. How do I reinstate upgrade protection coverage?
SmarterTools offers upgrade protection reinstatements to customers whose upgrade protection coverage has expired for 85% of the new product price. Upgrade protection reinstatements allow the customer to upgrade to the most recent version of the product and include 12 months of upgrade protection coverage at no additional charge.

8 Replies Related Threads

    Re:Smarter Tools product **** 2011/03/01 10:12:33 (permalink)
    Let me get this straight... you want HC to discontinue support of one of the largest windows mail servers because you didn't renew your support contract on time?   HAHAHAHAHAHA
    Re:Smarter Tools product **** 2011/03/01 10:46:18 (permalink)
    I know that HC will not discontinue SM support..lol, but isn't this crazy 85% upgrade charges ?
    Senior Member
    Re:Smarter Tools product **** 2011/03/01 23:52:39 (permalink)
    Yes mostly all companies have the Upgrade Protection policies but 85% is a way too much higher as compared to other companies.
    Re:Smarter Tools product **** 2011/03/02 00:44:11 (permalink)
    By the way what are the hosting controller yearly upgrade charges ?
    Premium Member
    Re:Smarter Tools product **** 2011/03/02 00:57:42 (permalink)
    We never been charged for upgrade protection as we are using HC Rental keys.
    Re:Smarter Tools product **** 2011/03/02 04:33:01 (permalink)
    85% is not the cost of upgrade protection.   It is the cost of upgrade reinstatement, meaning his support expired.   Upgrade protection is 40%.  This is pretty fair.  
    If you want to see unfair, let a parallels owned licenses SUS expire.   There is no reinstatement unless you want to pay for an unlimited license.   Say bye bye to any 100 - 300 domain licenses you owned.  They become worthless.   
    Premium Member
    Re:Smarter Tools product **** 2011/03/29 00:45:55 (permalink)
    The best way is to go for a Smartermail license monthly lease. Smartertools directly does not provide monthly lease, but you can get it from some of their resellers. We buy from Viux. It gives free upgrade protection for life and if we have to stop a server anytime, we can cancel the smartermail license too. This way, we don't have to make upfront investment. The unlimited domains license costs only $60 per month for professional edition and $100 per month for Enterprise Edition.
    Re:Smarter Tools product **** 2011/03/29 02:28:31 (permalink)

    The best way is to go for a Smartermail license monthly lease. Smartertools directly does not provide monthly lease, but you can get it from some of their resellers. We buy from Viux. It gives free upgrade protection for life and if we have to stop a server anytime, we can cancel the smartermail license too. This way, we don't have to make upfront investment. The unlimited domains license costs only $60 per month for professional edition and $100 per month for Enterprise Edition.

    Thanks Nitaish , I wasn't knew that lease option available for smarter tools. Can you give me the URL to find out more about leasing license ?
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