LockedAuto Signup Feature

Junior Member
2011/04/04 09:09:25 (permalink)

Auto Signup Feature

Hi I'm new to HC and just want to start out using the auto signup.  I downloaded and installed HC8 and there is a link to Auto Signup from Toolbox menus.  Is this the same Auto Signup that is in the downloadable zip file here?

If this is a seperate set of files then I have a couple questions to follow about installing and configuring this:
1).  One of the requirements is Visual Studio => 2005.  Can I use Visual Studio 2010 Express to configure auto-signup?
2).  Where do I install and confgure the auto signup files.  On my workstation or on the HC hosting servers?
3).  If I configure on my workstation how do I transfer and configure the configuration files over to the HC8 servers for actual testing?
Thanks in advance for your help.  Probably more questions to come.

1 Reply Related Threads

    HC Staff
    HC Staff
    Re:Auto Signup Feature 2011/04/23 10:55:17 (permalink)
    There is a builtin shopping cart (auto signup) in the HC panel which can be used to create account/domain externally on web. You can read more about it from this link http://hostingcontroller.com/english/support/HC8Manuals/Reseller/WebHelp/HC8-Reseller-Manuals.htm
    There are some advanced level users who want to fully customize the auto signup for them we have provided open source so they can do whatever they want in it. For this you can read instructions in below pdf
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