LockedNew Install - First Website has incorrect NTFS Permissions

Starting Member
2012/08/02 19:04:45 (permalink)

New Install - First Website has incorrect NTFS Permissions

With our new HC 9 install we have provisioned our first website and can see the folder structure it created, but the permissions are not correct.
HC created the domain.com_web user account OK and it has correctly given this user read access to the web folder but we are unable to browse the holding page that HC created. We know this is due to permissions as we can fix it by manually assigning the correct permissions to the folder.
If it helps, we have locked down our d:\HostingController folder to just allow SYSTEM and Administrators but we expected HC to assign an account for .NET as this is how our old control panel used top do it. That way users cannot browse around the server. We had a look at this post ( and tried what it was suggesting but that didnt work either.
Is something wrong with the way it is creating the permissions or do we need to open up the permissions on the root folder to make this work?
Mark Donne

5 Replies Related Threads

    HC Staff
    HC Staff
    Re:New Install - First Website has incorrect NTFS Permissions 2012/08/03 11:40:15 (permalink)
    Hosting Controller set following permissions on domain.com/www directory which sufficient enough to access the website content
    Website Anonymous user : READ
    FTP User : READ,Write
    Network Service : List Folder content s (only if you enable .net scripting on website)
    Administrator and System : Full Permissions by default it inherit from root system drive.
    Starting Member
    Re:New Install - First Website has incorrect NTFS Permissions 2012/10/23 03:43:27 (permalink)
    Hi Tahir

    Either we are missing something or this does not work on a fresh install without some configuration.

    Our server is a Microsoft Windows Web Server 2008 R2 with FastCGI installed to handle PHP (5.3 at the moment).

    When a website has PHP enabled but not .NET HC does not give the folder enough permissions to allow the Applicatiol Pool to access the folder. FastCGI runs under the Application Pool identity which by default is "ApplicationPoolIdentity".

    On the other hand, if a website has .NET enabled and we try and browse it then we get this error:

    The current identity (*********\***********_web) does not have write access to 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files'.

    Do you have any documentation on configuring HC for a new Windows installation?

    As I said previously, our current control panel software (WebSitePanel) does not have this problem.

    Mark Donne
    post edited by Index_eBusiness - 2012/10/23 03:45:15
    Premium Member
    Re:New Install - First Website has incorrect NTFS Permissions 2012/10/23 04:17:52 (permalink)
    We have already reported this issue to support department and they said it will fix in upcoming build 9.3.
    The instant solution is to add "IIS_ISURS" as member in HCGroup on the web server machine. 
    Starting Member
    Re:New Install - First Website has incorrect NTFS Permissions 2012/10/23 05:34:01 (permalink)
    Ahh, i see.
    Thanks Patrick. A list of known bugs for HC would be a good idea.
    Any other gotchas I should keep my eyes open for!
    Mark Donne
    Starting Member
    Re:New Install - First Website has incorrect NTFS Permissions 2012/10/23 20:48:01 (permalink)
    Well at first glance it appears that version 9 build 3 has fixed that problem but it is still creating virtual folders incorrectly. It is not setting the "Connect As" to the "xxxx _web" user as it does with the parent folder.
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