AnsweredLockedCan't access control panel.

Junior Member
2019/07/01 04:28:38 (permalink)

Can't access control panel.

I am not able to access my portal.

403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.

Can anyone help on it?
HC Team
Hosting Controller
☼ Best Answerby Michel 2019/07/02 02:33:55
Re: Can't access control panel. 2019/07/02 02:18:13 (permalink)
There is feature introduced in HC10 which blocks IP of a probable intruder upon certain number of fraudulent attempts which you have specified in HC panel at : Configurations >> Panel Configuration >> Control Panel Access. If a legitimate user's IP is blocked then that too can be released in HC panel.
You can know more about this feature by visiting the link given below and upon removing the blocked IP under Denied tab, you or your customer will be able to gain the access to HC Control panel without encountering 403 error "403 - Forbidden: Access is denied."
Note: To remove the blocked IP from within HC panel try to access HC10 panel using different IPAddress and then following the procedure as explained above.
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