2006/03/14 12:46:00

How do you all deal with Mysql upgrades?

Dear fellow HC users,

How do you deal with Mysql upgrades? I want to upgrade to mysql 5, but I heard that there are many changes in it, that might break many user¬s codes, etc.

I know some ISP¬s have separate servers with different versions.

Im running MySQL 4.0.25-nt and PHP Version 4.4.0


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HC Team
If mySQL does not perform major change in their API that means every new mySQL version is supported with HC. There is no problem of mySQL 5.0 working with HC. Please check this thread. This has already been discussed number of times in different threads.
2006/03/14 11:49:02
Maybe i was not clear. Im not talking about HC. Im talking about asking users their experience in terms of upgrading to Mysql 5 because Ive heard the upgrade from 4.x implies in users changing their code. Thats what Im talking about :)

Thanks anyways.
2006/03/14 11:53:22
I have the same concerns. I had a problem upgrading php to the newest version and had to go back because of some connection issues.
2006/03/16 17:42:49
Hi, Moegal

I guess the only way really is to have a server where users can test this or if theres a problem move them to the server with the previous version. At least with mysql and PHP it seems this is a bit tough.

I will get more details with a friend, he said there are several issues when upgrading to mysql 5.

2006/03/18 05:29:32
Right we always upgrade software on our servers, that means mysql 5, theres a couple of issues with password encryption but if you read through the mysql documentation and follow the instructions shouldnt be an issue, none of our users have had a problem, mysql 5 adds store procedures support, it doesnt really remove support for anything. Oh be warned everytime you upgrade mysql you have to update the hc files for it, also the php files i.e. libmysql.dll etc, hc provide instructions for this. The only issue we had was when we upgraded to php 5, ouch that caused some issues, i.e. old free scripts break with php 5, but all is well now!!!!
2006/03/21 14:31:09
Thanks a lot. I thought about keeping php 4 and 5, but I think HC doesnt support this, just one, and its better to keep just 1... So Ill inform my users that Ill upgrade on some date, for them to check their code.
2006/03/25 08:43:58
Usually php is in c:\php, so copy c:\php to c:\php4, now go into c:\php4 and edit php.ini to reflect to paths like c:\php4\uploadtemp or c:\php4\sessiondata or c:\php4\ext\
Stop IIS, install PHP5 to c:\php, edit php.ini to reflect correct paths and extensions you want like mssql/mysql, copy php.ini to c:\windows
Now all sites will use php 5.1.2, but then if a customer has a problem you go into IIS, home tab of website, configuration and change the php to use "c:\php4\php-cgi.exe" -c c:\php4
Be sure to set permissions on c:\php4\uploadtemp and c:\php4\sessiondata, they need write/modify for everyone, also be sure everyone has read access to c:\php4\ and that you have added under IIS WEB EXTENSIONS to allow c:\php4\php-cgi.exe
2006/03/27 06:22:59
Wow, really great advice! THANKS A LOT! :)
2006/03/27 12:46:00

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