2006/04/13 13:34:01

Migrating Access to SQL for HC database

Anyone tried to get these instructions to work?


I¬ve tried everything and I¬m finding that when you import the Access database into SQL, it does not import ¬AutoNumber¬ aka ¬Identity¬ for particular Table Columns and also does not set the Primary and Foreign Keys correctly.

Now if you are going to tell me that this document was before they started bundling the hcver2002 SQL database I tried that as well and did not have any success, but what about those who are using Access and want to migrate to SQL while retaining the data thats in their Access database?

7 comments Leave a comment
HC Team
It should work even though you were using MS Access for quite a long time. I will suggest you to first upsize your Access database locally on SQL Server then move your HC SQL database backup to remote SQL Server machine. If your issue is still there then please send your server access directly to support dept. by mail. They will debug this issue for you.
2006/04/14 11:26:57
Is the performance increase that great? How much can one expect?

Thank you

2006/04/18 06:03:06
HC Team
We have locally tested it and it works efficiently.
2006/04/18 06:20:22
Sigh.. As always the response does not answer the question correctly...
2006/04/18 14:06:45
HC Team
Well that is something intangible I can not exactly measure the performance. You already know SQL Server has much more benefits than MS Access.
2006/04/18 14:21:02
Ahh the documentation wasn¬t clear that you must use the UPSIZING WIZARD in Access. Thus the problem. Instead of Importing from SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager you must open the database in Access and use the Upsizing Wizard. You might want to update the Knowledgebase documentation explain this fact.
2006/04/20 08:48:47
HC Team
FYI this article is for fresh installation of HC not for existing HC running with MS Access. Anyway we will update it for existing HC installation with Access database. Thanx for your advise.
2006/04/20 13:34:01

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