VERY dissapointed at HC7 support
As I WAS considering migrating from HC6.1 to HC7 I have many questions, doubts and after installing the trial version in several of my servers I started having issues, long story short, HC support sends me an email stating that support response is 15 to 24 hours and if I wanted faster support I should purchase priority support.
I would understand this if I was asking for normal support on a working installation, BUT this is an attempt to migrate all my servers to HC7 from HC6.1, I am considering investing the extra money that it will take for the move and I am having certain issues.
I have been a loyal client of HC for the last 4 years and I am trying to stay with the product.
I think that telling me to put up with the 15 to 24 hour wait with my IMPLEMENTATION/MIGRATION issues from HC6.1 to HC7 is a slap on the face.
FOrtunately I have also been testing the other panel H4 which has tons of features, IT WORKS and the issues I had were prompty taken care of by H4 support. so, I am wondering, WHY should i stick with HC ? specially after they send me that email.
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