2009/10/09 08:22:32

Support arrogant and deaf

I have more than 5 years using HC, and I am completely angry with the treatment that they give to their clients.
I recently indicate a bug DNS of HC, because this before works better arrogantly in previous versions, but them the following thing  responds.
I ask:
Another bug exists in HC8 that is when creating a new domain the DNS they are not correct.
We work with domain that dedicated (own) IP uses. When a domain, the MX iscreate it is false and it uses the
IP of the server, and the domain it should use the IP that we assign.

@                       A
@                       MX      10      mail.xxxxxxxx.com.
@                       MX      15      xxxxxxxxx.com.
ftp                     CNAME   xxxxxxxxxxx.com.
mail  (ERROR HERE)      A

www                     CNAME   xxxxxxxxxxx.com.
HC responds
We have confirmed with concern department and they saying that " The new IP will set for Domain only  for Mail domain it will remain the same that user has set for Mail server in HC panel and Mail domain A record will be set the same. "
Conclusion: Its our implementation not a bug.
a support marvel
14 comments Leave a comment
HC something has to say?

No... the arrogance to them has them blind and they are not able to solve the problems that they generate its clients.  Eliminating qualities that actualización the program without warning to their clients before the Upgrade.

This change not this signal one for you, here:
2009/10/14 05:42:18
For the readers that have not understood the important of this bug. I explain.

If you work with own IP for each domain that you have create with the HC8 and you use Merak, this bug originates that the domain created by the Merak,  your client-doamin cannot see their mail and the risk that the mails sent to another domain.
2009/10/14 06:13:34
¿Cuál es el problema que estás teniendo? Saludos.
2009/10/14 18:17:11
Nuestr forma de trabajo es usando IP fija por cada dominio.,  usamos tambien el Merak, que sucede desde que HC cambio al version 8, pues cuando creas un nuevo dominio, los DNS cambian el IP,  o sea no usa para los mails el IP asignado al domino sino usa el IP del servidor (el del host). Claro el Merak al trabajar con IP fija, toma el IP fijo que nosotros asiganamos al domino, el resultado que si un cliente intenta logear al Merak usando el IP da error,  no recibe mails, y alguno van a otros dominios si coincide el mismo nombre de buzón (eje info, en otro buzon info).

HC dice que no es un bug sino que ellos asi quieren hacer, estos  deben estar drogados entonces para poner que es compatible el  HC conm el Merak.

2009/10/15 09:10:02
Can you please discuss the above thing in English so everyone shall participate in the forum discussions.

Also, have been using HC for few years and I do face issues too but have always been treated politely or guided to proper place for finding the solution.

Can you please tell the problem in English which you are facing with Hosting Controller?
2009/10/17 01:55:06
Sorry my English is very bad but I will try to explain better

The problem is the following one, I have but of 5 years using HC, good in fact I am 9 years old, but using the product with monthly payments is for 5 years.

I believe that in that whole time, I have requested support among 10 to 15 times.  I believe not to be a complicated client to receive arrogant answers.

I only want that the DNS works how before.  The MX uses the IP that is assigned to the domain and not the IP of the server (or host), always work this way and for that reason use the product.

 I cannot accept that now I cannot use the Merak correctly, and HC tells me that it is so they now work this way and it is not a bug. They believe they are using drugs, to respond on an issue (bug) that is true.

2009/10/19 09:54:40
First of all calling their support arrogant and deaf will not resolve your issue  You should be polite.   

There are few of the things which will be needed: 

- Setting PTR record for this IP in your DNS server.

- Making Host name for this IP against domain.com in your Mail server manually.

- Requesting your data center to set reverse DNS record ( PTR record ) in their authoritative DNS servers. 

- If using SPF records then include this IP in the record too.

If you don't do all these things then other Mail servers  ( Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail ) will bounce your emails back for this domain since mail domain will fail for reverse DNS query for the host name given in the email headers.

The best solution that work is to keep shared IP for Mail server and run domains on dedicated IP. This will save you from lots of work. In this scenario you just have to make settings once for your primary hostname rather for each of the domain separately that is time consuming. 

2009/10/21 05:59:12
@Hostnex, nice explanation 
2009/10/21 06:45:14
I was polite in my private messages with them, I believe they are them that they should apologize to my. It doesn't interest me if they don't make now anything.. it is problem of them...  I am not flattering of anybody..  I pay, my CreditCar doesn't fail how the HC fails.
2009/10/21 10:12:25
Who says to you that it is better to work with IP shared?, we have clients that dedicated IP needs, don't we change our business model, for comments outside of place.
If you have the typical company of Webhosting with shared IP that it is the pattern of your business that you have chosen..
2009/10/21 10:19:07
The feature you are asking about is useless for 98 % of the companies since they run system the way I described above. Atleast if I were HC I never support this feature for rest of 2 % like you who just hear something and start admiring without investigation. 

If you are so technical then explain why it should be the way you are saying. Please give some technical reasons instead blaming others for everything. 

By the way hostnex as a typical company running more then 2000 clients. How many are you running 50 or 100 ?

2009/10/21 22:26:05
The system that you describe is of the companies of Webhosting that work for people or clients  that want to have a typical blog site. We focus ourselves to clients that want to make e-commerce.

We are 11 years old in the market Webhosting, we specialize in servers linux, we begin to work with Alabanza, (by Navisite), with which we have 20 servers at the moment online, among those 3 servers Win with Plesk.

We begin to use HC, when our first server windows was on Dialtone, then Interland and now Peer1.

Dialtone not work with HC more, for the same problems that we have, they don't listen and they are arrogant (said AM of Dialtone).

Now, how many websites has?. Good if you are an expert, it can calculate it taking the number of Servers that we have.

2009/10/22 08:08:05
Good, recapturing the thread of the topic with HC and leaving this sterile discussion with hostnex.

HC, when they go to have the decency of responding?

2009/10/23 07:22:07
HC Staff
Currently this feature is not available in hosting controller, Infact such request is made by HC User for the first time.

We will forward this suggestion toward concern department.
2009/10/23 15:06:34

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