2010/07/26 02:01:15

request: better package naming in dropdowns and other places

in more places you have to identify what package/plan you are talking about. Example - I want to sell extra diskspace to a customer. I go to the page for selling addons and get a dropdown!! (I hope you dont have many customers!! ) and except for the size problem of this dropdown you actually also just get a very, very un-user-friendly display of userids and planname. Now you can only hope you have only one plan per user or at least that they user/customer was kind enough to shop different plans for his different websites. Else you are left with guessing.
An idea would be that when you sell the customer a plan the reseller and/or the user should be able to "name it". The reseller would often I guess choose to name the sold plan the same as the domain he knows will be the domain used. In all places where you would then normaly simply write the original no-information-plan-name you would now be able to add some usefull information.
A simple change that would have big usablility impact.
You could also consider changing the way HC navigates on top of this. It would be very natural that when you are working with the domain or plan that from here you could change the different limits of the plan and/or go directly to selling addons. No need to have to to 3-4 different menus to get to where you want and then even having to re-find the domain/user you wanted to do something for.
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I want to switch a plan for a customer - he has 10 "small webhotels" plans and ONE of them needs to be a "big webhotel" plan because he is using to much or what ever. now.... from the list of sold plans - what plan to switch? in HC - just guess, pick by random and see - maybe you will get lucky and upgrade the right one :)
2010/07/26 02:03:22
HC Team
We have forwarded your suggestion to the concerned department and would try to give you some alternative solution in one of the upcoming builds of HC.
2010/07/27 01:54:30

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