2011/09/07 14:10:37
HC Team

Press Release: Hosting Controller launches support for IPv6 and Exchange Hosting Switch

Hosting Controller Control Panel 8.12 launches support for IPv6 and Exchange 2010 SP1 Hosting Switch!

Vancouver, Canada – September 05, 2011 -- Hosting Controller (hostingcontroller.com) developer of Cloud Automation Solutions today announced that it has launched support for IPv6 and Exchange 2010 SP1 Hosting Switch in its unified control panel.
This release is part of HC control panel 8.12 update that supports Exchange 2010 SP1 Hosting Switch and IPv6 on Windows & Linux servers.
Exchange Server 2010 SP1 is the first multi-tenant ready Exchange Server version that enables hosting service providers to create and manage multiple organizations in the same Active Directory forest. Recent release of HC control panel offers comprehensive support for Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP1 Hosting Switch in a shared multi-tenant environment that includes automatic provisioning of new accounts. The solution comes with a comprehensive self-serve portal for end customers.
“HC8.12 release reflects Hosting Controller’s commitment to providing its customers with the tools they need to support complex hosting operations,” says Babar Zaman, Vice President of Business Development at Hosting Controller Inc.  “Since Exchange 2010 SP1 in hosting mode doesn't allow the usage of the Exchange Management Console (EMC), therefore HC control panel becomes the natural choice of hosted service providers to provision organizations and mailboxes in Exchange 2010 using a special “/hosting” switch in “Hosting Mode”.
HC can be installed on systems having IPv6 or IPv4 only or as a dual stack for IPv4 and IPv6. HC panel also supports IPv6 addresses for Name based and IP based websites, provisioning of AAAA record in DNS Manager and database connectivity using IPv6.
Babar says, compatibility with IPv6 networking is mainly a responsibility of software companies, as suggested by American Registry for Internet Numbers that all Internet servers shall be ready to serve IPv6-only clients by January 2012 so we have made it possible for our customers to use additional features implemented in IPv6.
The robust API and flexible architecture allow Hosting Controller automations tools to be deployed with new or existing systems.
For information regarding Hosting Controller’s automation solution visit: www.hostingcontroller.com
About Hosting Controller
Founded in 1999, Hosting Controller is a complete hosting automation solution for web hosts and cloud based service providers. It allows them to manage both Windows & Linux servers simultaneously as part of a single cluster. In addition to shared hosts, HC offers a full solution suite for hosted Enterprise Applications creating a shared multi-tenant environment for automatic provisioning of Exchange 2007/2010, BlackBerry, SharePoint, OCS and Dynamics CRM. It also offers a full automation solution for Infrastructure and Virtualization providers offering virtualized partitions on both Windows and Linux based servers through Hyper-V technology for Windows & Xen Hypervisor technology for Linux! Hosting Controller Inc. is based in Richmond, BC, Canada and has customers in 125 countries worldwide

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