Lockedadd on sell

2005/12/15 03:00:23 (permalink)

add on sell

If i try to sell a bandwidth add-on with quantity greater than 1000, the add-on is added but invoice is not generated.
It works only with little quantities (eg. 30)
How can we do to sell 1024+ MB of bandwidth?


5 Replies Related Threads

    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    RE: add on sell 2005/12/15 12:37:12 (permalink)
    You can give 1024 as quantity at the time of selling Add-ons. There might be the issue with HC payment service. That issue does not replicate on my machine. Please contact with support@hostingcontroller.com they will check your issue.
    RE: add on sell 2005/12/16 05:58:47 (permalink)
    there¬s something wrong in this call within addplanresource.asp:
    result = objPay.GenerateSetUpAddonInvoicesEx (Request("resourceid"),Request("hostcustid"),custaddonid,custname,AdminName,CLng(Request("qty")))

    If quantity is very low, eg. 30, it generates the invoice, if I enter in the form quantity 1024, the invoice is not generated.

    Is something wrong with AdvPayments.PaymentManager object?
    RE: add on sell 2005/12/21 01:38:33 (permalink)
    Dear Staff,

    from the test we made, selecting Add.on Sell option, HC control panel adds and generates invoices only if Quantity is less than 100.
    When Quantity is equal or greater than 100, hc only add the add-on to the plan but does *NOT* compute the amount to be paid and generate the associated invoice.
    This is a limit that only a programmer can have put in the code of the AdvPayments.PaymentManager object or Paymet Service.

    It is impossible you do not know about this limit. So, now I¬m asking to you, is there a way to solve this limit modifing some hc configuration parameter?
    If not, is it possible to have the updated version of the AdvPayments.PaymentManager object or the Payment Service that solves this issue?

    Thank you in advance.
    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    RE: add on sell 2005/12/21 09:49:24 (permalink)
    Yes in this scenario it is replicated. I will update you soon.
    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    RE: add on sell 2005/12/23 03:00:23 (permalink)
    You can download updated AdvPayments.dll from this URL and replace it by following these instructions:

    Restart IIS to unlock this dll

    --- Command To UnRegister Dll: (C:\Program Files\Advanced Communications\Hosting Controller\dll regsvr32 -u AdvPayments.dll)

    --- Replace new dll at this path. C:\Program Files\Advanced Communications\Hosting Controller\dll

    --- Command To Register New Dll: (C:\Program Files\Advanced Communications\Hosting Controller\dll regsvr32 AdvPayments.dll)

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