LockedA few things I noticed during my first use:

2006/10/22 09:31:14 (permalink)

A few things I noticed during my first use:

* The new Control Panel Login screen has color problems. The backgrounds in the image and the border of the table do not match the HTML color being used.

* When clicking FORGOT PASSWORD I am getting the following error: "Please specify your Login ID. Sorry, you are not allowed to change your password."

* If you spread your screen wider then 1024 pixels a lot of the rounded box corners start to split up.

* Shouldn't the Manage Emails be called something like System Emails? And shouldn't it be in a different area than "Configure Services"? I clicked on it thinking I was going to manage user mailboxes.

* The Show Details link doesn't work as expected. You click and nothing seems to happen. I know that it shows emails below, but it doesn't take you to the message. Then if you click another one, it will minimize the other message and you are looking at nothing.

* Is there any reason we can't just click on a user name in order to edit it? Why do we always have to press the radio button and then click edit? There could be a common sense default (EDIT?) for many of the services in the controller. The same goes for other pages throughout the controller.

* In the folder manager shouldn't you be able to click a folder in the right panel as well as the left panel in order to enter it? This would be very handy especially when you are dealing with 100's of folders.

* Shouldn't we have the option of using the WYSIWIG HTML editor in the Folder Manager when editing .HTML files?

* Under tools, there is a missing icon on line 3.

* The graphs/charts on the Disk Usage and Bandwidth Usage reports seem to be broken.

* Shouldn't the button called AUTO LOGIN under the User Manager be changed to "Login as User"?

* How about the LEFT TO CONSUME header on the Quota Report - maybe "Available" would be easier to read?

* The VIRTUAL DIR button does not seem to work under Named Based FTP.

* When trying to create my first mailing list I get "Error : 72300300 : Unable to create list due to quota limit". I don't even see where I can set the quota for this feature.

* After generating a single invoice for a customer, shouldn't it let me see the generated invoice? What if I am on the phone with a customer while generating it and want to discuss it with him.

* I have not been able to replicate the problem, but when I was viewing a sub-domain website on a shared IP a button "Assigned Shared IP" appeared instead of "Assigned Dedicated IP". I clicked the Icon and got an error that said I had surpassed my Quota.

10 Replies Related Threads

    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    RE: A few things I noticed during my first use: 2006/10/30 08:59:02 (permalink)
    Thank you very much for your feedback. We will check these issues and get back to you.

    HC Support Team
    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    RE: A few things I noticed during my first use: 2006/02/11 12:24:07 (permalink)
    * When clicking FORGOT PASSWORD I am getting the following error: "Please specify your Login ID. Sorry, you are not allowed to change your password."

    It is only for online demo version because we don't want users to change demo reseller password.

    We will fix other issues in final release. Thanx again. :)

    HC Support Team
    Premium Member
    RE: A few things I noticed during my first use: 2006/12/17 15:24:09 (permalink)
    [?] A lot of issues, but at this time I find a problem with icons, why some icons have different size?, It generate problems with the line of words and it is not like look.

    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    RE: A few things I noticed during my first use: 2006/12/18 11:43:56 (permalink)
    Well I have just checked and did not find anything odd with icon sizes. Can you please mention the exact page?

    HC Support Team
    Senior Member
    RE: A few things I noticed during my first use: 2007/07/01 02:45:21 (permalink)
    What I miss in "Disk Usage Report" is the following. When a user owns 3 sites within 1 hosting plan the user and the reseller is not able to see the Disk Usage Report for every single site.
    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    RE: A few things I noticed during my first use: 2007/08/01 09:23:47 (permalink)
    I have just confirmed. Webadmin/Reseller can see disk usage report on per site basis from Report--->Disk Usage. You should double click on the purchased/sold plan to view consumed disk usage on per site basis. Here is the exact path ( Reports :: Disk Usage :: Usage Report :: Details )

    HC Support Team
    Senior Member
    RE: A few things I noticed during my first use: 2007/08/01 09:36:30 (permalink)
    You are right I can confirm that it works oke like you say. I only have one remark it is not verry clear you can click on the users plan to see details maybe a "Detail" button would be better to overcome these questions.
    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    RE: A few things I noticed during my first use: 2007/08/01 09:59:37 (permalink)
    Thanks for your advise. We will make it more user friendly.

    HC Support Team
    Senior Member
    RE: A few things I noticed during my first use: 2007/08/01 12:36:21 (permalink)
    On the "Reports :: Bandwidth Usage :: Usage Report" it is the same case now I know that the plan is click able I use it there would be a "details" button more clear and user friendly..

    I also found a small bug on the page "Reports :: Bandwidth Usage :: Usage Graph" If you use the 'pageback' arrow on this page you are redirected to the 'Tools :: Options' in place of the 'Reports :: Bandwidth Usage :: Usage Report' page.
    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    RE: A few things I noticed during my first use: 2007/09/01 03:31:12 (permalink)
    On MouseOver, Plan color will be changed in upcoming HC7 build.

    HC Support Team
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