LockedBlackBerry Activation on the set

HC Staff
HC Staff
2009/07/27 03:56:50 (permalink)

BlackBerry Activation on the set


All those users who are  facing difficulties in setting BES activation on the set may consult with below link


3 Replies Related Threads

    HC Staff
    HC Staff
    Re:BlackBerry Activation on the set 2009/10/27 11:57:17 (permalink)

    I am right now running into a situation similar,. We have a new BES server installed, and it is working fine for 3 users. We are trying to add two more, but they both get "Service connection is unavailable"

    Which HC8 build you are running ?
    HC Staff
    HC Staff
    Re:BlackBerry Activation on the set 2009/11/01 21:40:26 (permalink)

    HAd the same problem with repair1 and was hoping one of you guy could help me. I really need this working by now.

    Can you provide some detail what exactly issue you are facing in the BES installation ?
    Junior Member
    Re:BlackBerry Activation on the set 2010/01/23 23:49:41 (permalink)
    Great...i visit your URL and really i get a good info there.i like your post and your way to sharing this information. 
    post edited by dniswlson - 2010/06/22 00:20:09
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