Some bugs on Build 5
Hello friends;
I can detect some issues on build 5:
1º When I create a new website I get this error:
Error : [color=#800080 editorid="ctl00_ctl00_contentplaceholder1_contentplaceholder1_ctl01_body"][canaddcustomcolors="true"][stripabsoluteimagespaths="false"][commoninternalparameters="u2tpblbhdggsrmfsc2usmcxmmupowkvodmjuunlimnh6tdbwa2fyunzjatluytjsdwn5ouvav1pozfd4me1qqxdoatg9"]70701142 : Website created successfully; Error occurred while assigning permission to the website folder.
2º If I click on 70701142 I get "Unhandled exception"
Awstats: LogFormat="date time s-sitename s-computername s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs-version cs(User-Agent) cs(Cookie) cs(Referer) cs-host sc-status sc-win32-status sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken" IT'S wrong in Windows Server 2008 (Awstats doesnt update), for it works properly it should be:
LogFormat="%time2 %other %other %other %method %url %query %other %logname %host %other %ua %other %referer %other %code %other %bytesd %other %other"
4º Logs paths has as owner domain_user but its wrong because it causes Error in Event Viewer: ""15006" This could be because another user has already created the log file or directory" for fix it you must change folder owner to "Administrators" Solution: the solution is for IIS6, but IIS 7 has the same issue if the user owner is different to "Administrators" for Log directory.
Thanks for a fast solution. Thanks!