LockedWebsites stopping for no reason

Junior Member
2010/01/05 11:57:24 (permalink)

Websites stopping for no reason


3 of my websites in IIS7 are randomly stopping without apparent reason. The application pool associated to each one does not stop and there is no events related in event viewer .
There is nothing in IIS logs and it seems that the websites are being stopped by HC.

Billing is not activated.

What i've noticed is that this 3 websites are above disk usage quota, but in the setting i have is disk usage is set to "do nothing" .   Is there any way to find if it is HC that is doing this?  There are no emails being sent so also it is weird .

Does anyone know in what condition can IIS7 stop an website without lauching nothing to event viewer?

Thanks a lot.



6 Replies Related Threads

    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    Re:Websites stopping for no reason 2010/01/11 22:32:07 (permalink)
    The article given below may help you to know why websites are being stopped itself. Please have a look.

    Junior Member
    Re:Websites stopping for no reason 2010/01/12 08:52:02 (permalink)

    I had the "do nothing" option enabled .  Does this even works? I had an account stoped today with "do nothing" configured in disk and bandwith.

    Also , when HC suspend an account it does not send any email? Isnt that registed anywhere?  We do not have any emails sended to clients .

    Regarding billing i have it  deactivated. 


    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    Re:Websites stopping for no reason 2010/01/16 09:14:44 (permalink)
    If you have set "do nothing" option enabled  also billing is deactivated then websites should not be stopped from HC panel. Are you sure its HC panel that is suspending the websites ?

    I would recommend you to contact with our support team so they can provide you further assistance for this strange issue.
    Starting Member
    Re:Websites stopping for no reason 2011/10/12 15:51:48 (permalink)
    Hi The above link to http://support.hostingcontroller.com/index.php?action=kb&article=262 no longer works. We are also having the exact same issue with the same setup, no billing and it is set to do nothing for quota's.  Has anyone found a soultion to this or how to troubleshoot it?
    HC Staff
    HC Staff
    Re:Websites stopping for no reason 2011/10/12 16:38:51 (permalink)
    Here is the article http://portal.hostingcontroller.com/KB/a54/website-stops-automatically-in-the-server.aspx
    Important point: go to Reseller :: My Server ::  Bandwidth & Disk Usage, here set Action = Do Nothing, and in  threshold set 100 %
    Junior Member
    Re:Websites stopping for no reason 2011/10/19 02:41:56 (permalink)
    3 of my websites in IIS7 are randomly stopping without apparent reason. The application pool associated to each one does not stop and
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