Lockedbug: creatign user only sets billing address - build 7

Senior Member
2010/07/07 04:19:00 (permalink)

bug: creatign user only sets billing address - build 7

I just created a new domain and user via "general" -> "domains" -> "add domain" and then selecting "new user" while creating. The result is a customer/user created where the "general profil" information is empty, only the "billing profile" has the information about address and so on.
"build 7"

1 Reply Related Threads

    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    Re:bug: creatign user only sets billing address - build 7 2010/07/07 06:36:18 (permalink)
    First of all update your HC cluster with latest Build 8.

    This should not happen as when you create user along with domain creation general profile and billing profile should be filled with information. Please try it after Build 8 and if still problem comes then contact support department for assistance.
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