Helpful ReplyLockedGAL Issue with Exchange 2010

Dude James
Junior Member
2010/11/03 11:05:52 (permalink)

GAL Issue with Exchange 2010

 I am currently using Exchange 2010 with HC8 Build 9 and GAL is not working in exchange 2010.  Can someone help me asap?
post edited by Dude James - 2010/11/03 11:07:02
☄ Helpful
Re:GAL Issue with Exchange 2010 2010/11/03 12:00:15 (permalink)
For that you have to create a Dword registry key with name 'ExchQueryBaseDN ' in registry at this location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Advanced
Communications\HostingController\General  and then change its value to 0. I hope you will also not get this problem further as this solution is also suggested from HC support team.
Dude James
Junior Member
Re:GAL Issue with Exchange 2010 2010/11/03 12:37:31 (permalink)
Awesome... Thanks
Re:GAL Issue with Exchange 2010 2011/01/04 23:14:23 (permalink)
I have migrated from Exchange 2007 to 2010 but still having issues with it. I asked HC support and according to them I would have to recreate separate GAL for Exchange 2010. Cannot I use the old GAL of Exchange 2007?
HC Team
Hosting Controller
Re:GAL Issue with Exchange 2010 2011/01/04 23:47:57 (permalink)

I have migrated from Exchange 2007 to 2010 but still having issues with it. I asked HC support and according to them I would have to recreate separate GAL for Exchange 2010. Cannot I use the old GAL of Exchange 2007?

You are getting this issue because in Exchange 2010 SP1 msExchQueryBaseDN attribute should be empty, this is a bug in Exchange and we have given a workaround to clear this attribute. We have fixed this issue for new mailboxes for existing mailboxes you can run following PowerShell script to clear ‘msExchQueryBaseDN” for all mailboxes in Hosting OU (i.e. created by HC)

get-mailbox -organizationalUnit "Hosting" |Foreach{ $dn = "LDAP://" + $_.distinguishedname;$obj = [ADSI]$dn;$obj.msExchQueryBaseDN.Clear();$obj.setinfo()}

Note: Run (copy/paste ) this script in single line in Exchange power shell, otherwise it won’t run.

If you want to execute the query against a particular domain then follow below command

get-mailbox -filter {Alias -like '*'}|Foreach{ $dn = "LDAP://" + $_.distinguishedname;$obj = [ADSI]$dn;$obj.msExchQueryBaseDN.Clear();$obj.setinfo()}

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