Do not show Private IPs to users when NAT is being used.
This is a big problem for those of us who use NAT due to WAF implementations or similar. The user is presented with the Private IP address instead of the Public IP address that it is mapped to in the NAT Manager. This causes confusion for the customer and support requests from users running their own DNS wanting to know what their public IP is. This is also a security issue as it quickly and easily allows a malicious hosting customer to identify your private subnet(s) and enable them to launch an attack from inside the private subnet.
I have been told by H-Sphere support that in order to get this changed I have to start a thread on the forum and get as much people replying as possible also requesting this feature.
I understand that there are some HC owners that for some reason prefer the Private IP address to be shown, so in this case it would be great for the Public IP address display to be an option rather than hard coded.