LockedDomain Active Directory

Junior Member
2012/10/22 16:44:11 (permalink)

Domain Active Directory

Will HC fully intregrate in a domain active directory environment?
Will existing Domain users be able to manage websites or do you have to create new users to manage the sites?
Can users be stored AD on the domain instead of the local machine?

8 Replies Related Threads

    Senior Member
    Re:Domain Active Directory 2012/10/22 19:06:14 (permalink)
    Yes unlike Enkompass, Hosting Controller supports both Standalone as well as Active Directory setup of HC panel. We have both type of servers and they work fine.
    Could you please check this link which would help in moving your existing websites etc into HC panel: http://portal.hostingcontroller.com/KB/a106/how-to-import-existing-websites-in-hc-panel.aspx
    But I think there is no mention of moving existing users in this link. So you might have to create new users for your websites.
    Junior Member
    Re:Domain Active Directory 2012/10/23 09:27:00 (permalink)
    I understand about the website integration. I am more concerned about AD integration.
    From the time HC is integrated into the domain will users, created from that point going forward, be stored in AD and not on the local machine.
    post edited by davidu - 2012/10/23 09:40:37
    Senior Member
    Re:Domain Active Directory 2012/10/23 20:27:31 (permalink)
    Yes if your machine is part of a DOMAIN then all users created through HC panel are created on Active Directory.
    HC Staff
    HC Staff
    Re:Domain Active Directory 2012/10/24 06:35:28 (permalink)

    I understand about the website integration. I am more concerned about AD integration.
    From the time HC is integrated into the domain will users, created from that point going forward, be stored in AD and not on the local machine.

    When you will enable Web role in the HC Panel then there would be an option to select Domain Controller, once you select it that all users related to a website i.e Website Anonymous User and FTP user they will be stored in the domain controller not in the computer management.
    Note: If you enable Domain controller option then HC Remoting Service on the web server machine must be running under domain administrator account otherwise  permission error will  display in panel during website creation.
    Junior Member
    Re:Domain Active Directory 2012/10/24 11:41:33 (permalink)

    I added the HC Remoting Service to a domain Admin account to run the service. The web UserIDs are created on the domain, but not in the OU specified, they get created in Users on the domain.
    The FTP UserID still gets an error message but this time it states
    HC Error Number: 70500070
    OS Error Number: 2220
    OS Error Descripting: The group name could no be found.
    I can see the FTP User on the domain, but it is not a member of any group. Also in HC it displays No FTP User Found.
    Do you know what the possible reason could be?
    I tried adding the service HC Server to a domain account but that didn't work. Should I place this service back to Local Admin?
    HC Staff
    HC Staff
    Re:Domain Active Directory 2012/10/24 11:54:55 (permalink)
    Create a Group with name " HCGroup " in the AD which HC use to create users in this group.
    Secondly if you have selected different OU path then HC should create users in it. If not then you should open ticket on support so they will check the problem.
    Regarding FTP, for example your domain controller name is DC01 which you use to connect with any user login for example DC01\Administrator. You need to create virtual directory with name " DC01" instead of LocalUser under Default FTP site as explained in this Article 
    Junior Member
    Re:Domain Active Directory 2012/10/24 16:01:25 (permalink)
    Thanks that worked
    Another related question.
    Can new Websites be managed by existing domain users or do the users always have to be created in HC?
    Also why is Basic authentication not an option?  
    HC Staff
    HC Staff
    Re:Domain Active Directory 2012/11/01 09:11:16 (permalink)
    Existing AD users can't be imported in the HC Panel. In fact webadmin (end user) HC don't create it in the system/AD, since end user typically related to the HC panel so it only created in the HC database.
    On the other hand FTP users does create in the system.
    Windows Authentication most commonly use with the website permissions. Basic Authentication were mostly used in past with Frontpage extension.
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