LockedMySQL Users being created with old password format

Starting Member
2012/10/23 13:03:16 (permalink)

MySQL Users being created with old password format

We have just got to the bottom of another issue we are having and it would appear that HC is creating MySQL users with the OLDPASSWORD format.
How do we tell HC to use the new password (although these days it is called current) format?
Mark Donne

2 Replies Related Threads

    Senior Member
    Re:MySQL Users being created with old password format 2012/10/23 20:32:05 (permalink)
    Are you having an issue with password format for some specific PHP/MySQL based application? Could you share the piece of code where that application is failing so we might discuss it further.
    Starting Member
    Re:MySQL Users being created with old password format 2012/10/23 20:45:19 (permalink)
    We have a fresh HC install and we used the Click and Install application to install a Blog (Wordpress).
    HC didn't create the virtual folder correctly (you have seen my other post) and it also created the MySQL account with the old password format. I was able to fix this by connecting to the MySQL server directly and changing the password on it.
    Obviously this isn't good moving forward as we need HC to create the MySQL user with the right password format.
    This isn't my code, but a fresh HC install with the standard click and install applications.
    Hope this helps.
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