LockedInstallation of HC9 API

Junior Member
2012/11/26 06:40:01 (permalink)

Installation of HC9 API

I installed HC9 on my testing server: Windows Server 2008.
My main purpose is to test HC9 API and what it could offer to integrate web hosting automation to our system.
The installation of HC9 was successful, but I have problem to activate HC9 API on this server installation.
On the page Manage servers : My servers, I have got as master server the same server on which I installed HC9. The licensing status: Status not available. I installed 30 days trial version of HC9, so I am not sure what licensing status should be there.
When trying to activate HC9 API, the web page: Configure Services :: API Configurations says: No website found.
I really need to test just HC9 API in my first steps to familiarize with HC9, so I thought that I can use the same server running IIS and SQL server to test shared hosting module.

1 Reply Related Threads

    HC Staff
    HC Staff
    Re:Installation of HC9 API 2012/11/26 10:11:09 (permalink)
    In trial period license status should show number of days remaining. If status is not showing then its  mean Panel is not communicating properly. For this I will suggest you to contact HC support to figure out the panel installation/configuration.
    Secondly, in order to enable API you must have one website in the Panel then you can enable API on a website.
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