Re:parked domain vs. host header?
2010/12/22 02:59:20
Right now Host header is a complete solution to add only Host Header in current domain as well as use for parking domain.
The point is it don't create dns zone file if you add Host Header using current domain name. For example
domain =
Now if you want to add a host header entry i.e " Mail2 ", in this case dns zone file will not create , infact HC will only add a Cname entry in the existing domain
New zone file will only create if you use host header for parking a domain. For example
domain =
now if you add a host header like
Anyway after brief discussion with management we will change the implementation of Host header where it will not be use for park domain.
Host Header : It will only be use to add host header in the current website (without new dns zone file )
Parked Domain : Its implementation will remain same.
If anyone has any confusion with that then please feel free to discuss.