2007/02/13 17:13:15

I'm a sport....really!

Is there anybody that I can hire to do the initial configuration? I used to use HC some years ago and it seems like I have a lot more to learn now. I will get it sooner or later, probably sooner, but in the meantime, I kinda need my server up.

If any of you folks are for hire or know somebody that is, I would appreciate a shout out

P.S. Not to flame anybody here, but I just started hosting with Hivelocity and those guys just completely burnt me. Is there a particular reason that HC is associated? They don't know HC at all! They configured everything all wrong! If I didn't completely love HC I would have been turned off by that company.



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Hivelocity a name i've not heard in a while.

We used to have a box with them when we hosted in the states.

I always thought they had a small office as a dc, a local fire caused all power to be turned off, they didnt have backup gen or power at all, 13hrs later power came back online. Their network well i cant say anything else, its slow, its unreliable, they used to have a 2hr outage every sunday, no explanation every week close to the same time. A poor provider if you ask me!

Anyways drop me an email with your requirments to chris [@] dwebs.ltd.uk and i will reply with a quote. Will need to know which hc vesion you are using 6.1 or 7.

Do they still use outsource support, i remember a couple of users asked where they were located all got a different location :)

Chris Daley
Dwebs Ltd Director :: Company No. 05603664 :: Phone No. (UK) 0870 803 4423
www.Dhosting.co.uk - Web Hosting, Domain Registration, Windows 2003 NLB Cluster with HC 6.1!!!
www.Dwebs.ltd.uk - Web Design & Other Services
My views are my own and not those of my company.
2007/02/13 17:19:57

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