2019/08/01 05:53:52
Rumi Leave a comment

Selling Plan error solved with the latest build

Hi HC,
I recently have faced the issue while selling plan to my clients. But when I have updated the Hosting Controller with the latest build then it has resolved my issue.
Will you please explain the reason behind this fixture?
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2019/07/23 05:08:55
Julius Caesar Leave a comment

Transfer Website from one server to another

How can I transfer a Website from one server to another server from HC10?
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2019/07/15 15:26:20
Dude H 1 comment

Linux mailservers

Which Linux mailservers are supported with Hosting Controller version 10?
I'm currently using HC9 and looking to upgrade to the latest version as I have seen many new features in HC10 and UI is extremely good and user friendly so eagerly seeing to upgrade. 
1 comment
2019/07/15 14:50:00
Dude H 1 comment

HC Latest build

Can you guide me how to update my panel with the latest build and is there any down time? 

I'm currently on HC10 Version 10.5 offering IIS and Exchange services  
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2019/07/11 05:48:57
Arnar Paul Leave a comment

Hosting Controller support with SmarterMail 17.x

Does HC support SmarterMail latest version (i.e. 17.x)? I have been using HC with version 16 and now want to upgrade on the latest one. Let me know if it is supported so that I may update the SmarterMail.
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2019/07/08 06:35:57
Alex 1 comment

HC10 2 Factor Authentication on Client level

I am a service Provider and I just wanted to know, can my clients use 2FA on their level of HC panel? What if I dont use 2FA and my clients want to deploy 2FA on their panel. Is this possible?
1 comment
2019/07/08 06:12:33
Dude H 1 comment

Spam filter feature in HC

Do you have an interface to manage spam? For exchange or for imap on a server shared hosting?
1 comment
2019/07/05 21:46:33
Alex 1 comment

Error: Mailbox User does not exist.

When I try to modify any mailbox properties from HC panel, it throws an error that Mailbox User does not exist. I have checked from back-end and mailbox user does exist there but why is HC panel throwing this error? 

I am using Exchange Server 2016 with HC10 Panel.
1 comment