2019/07/05 08:02:13
Rumi Leave a comment

403 Error (Unable to access HC Control Panel)

I am not able to access my HC Control Panel, when I tried to access getting 403 Error. I have performed all the required steps i.e. 
  • I have recycled HC API APP Pool & HC Portal APP Pool
  • Removed Denied Ips from IIS
  • Restarted the Hosting Controller Portal and API sit
Please elaborate which step am I missing in this regard.
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2019/07/05 07:31:57
Rumi Leave a comment

Mailbox addition taking too much time in HC Panel

I a, using Exchange 2016, while adding mailboxes, it is taking too much time than the normal. what would the reasons behind this slowness. In have checked the connectivity and Exchange  server connectivity is fine too.  What's the issue, it needs to be fixed asap.
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2019/07/02 01:33:41
Clarke Leave a comment

Click & Install app issue.

I have installed the phpBB on my website, however when I access the phpBB, its throwing an error.
General Error:
SQL ERROR [mysqli]
An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact on administrator if this problem persists.
If anyone know about this issue then please share the solution here.
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2019/07/01 20:30:39
Alex 2 comments

I installed Joomla on my website through HC10 Click and Install apps but It gives error

When I installed Joomla through HC10 it installed successfully but when I try to browse it, it gives me one word error: "Error".
I am using Ubuntu 16.04.
2019/07/01 04:28:38
Michel 1 comment

Can't access control panel.

I am not able to access my portal.

403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.

Can anyone help on it?
1 comment
2019/06/29 03:57:12
Angeou 1 comment

How to connect Controller to computer for monitoring

How can I connect my to computer for remote monitoring?
 Did I need any interface in the control system?

1 comment
2019/06/28 03:39:56
HMCGuru 1 comment

web owner

Dear admin of HC,
 i am owner of websites and i own few of website hosted inside hc control panel. I am facing few issue in few of my website but i am not able to contact my host admin. i am aware you are owner of hc panel and not hosting my website. Can you help me find my admin. 
1 comment
2019/06/27 21:35:13
Alex 1 comment

I cannot add Hyper-V server to my server cluster in HC10 Panel.

I am trying to add a new Hyper-V server to my server cluster but when I enter my server IP address it says "Error: Unable to connect. Please verify HC Provisioning Service is running properly on remote server."

What does this mean?
1 comment
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