LockedHC8 Installation

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Junior Member
2010/07/19 08:09:34 (permalink)

HC8 Installation

Hi all

Need some help installing HC8. I have done many try's without any luck. I need some advices to finish a correct, quick and sucessfully installation of HC8 in Windows 2008 64 bits and SQL Express please.

We are a small businness about domains, hosting etc... and we are trying to know this software for a possible working with it.


19 Replies Related Threads

    HC Team
    Hosting Controller
    Re:HC8 Installation 2010/07/20 01:08:04 (permalink)
    Please try to follow this article which will help you with HC installation:

    If problem persists then send an email to support@hostingcontroller.com along-with your remote server access(RDP) and the support team would do it for free.


    Hi all

    Need some help installing HC8. I have done many try's without any luck. I need some advices to finish a correct, quick and sucessfully installation of HC8 in Windows 2008 64 bits and SQL Express please.

    We are a small businness about domains, hosting etc... and we are trying to know this software for a possible working with it.


    Junior Member
    Re:HC8 Installation 2010/07/21 08:26:16 (permalink)
    would be nice if i can see how can install this program. ¿ is that possible ?. I we decice buy it we need to know how to install it
    Premium Member
    Re:HC8 Installation 2010/07/21 08:45:12 (permalink)

    would be nice if i can see how can install this program. ¿ is that possible ?. I we decice buy it we need to know how to install it

    Btw what exactly problem you are facing with HC installation ?
    Junior Member
    Re:HC8 Installation 2010/07/21 08:50:02 (permalink)
    login error in HC8 installation, error with the BBDD, the prerequisite is OK, never have seen dificult program to install...
    Premium Member
    Re:HC8 Installation 2010/07/21 09:49:06 (permalink)

    login error in HC8 installation, error with the BBDD, the prerequisite is OK, never have seen dificult program to install...

    Does  HC database create in the sql server ?
    Junior Member
    Re:HC8 Installation 2010/07/21 10:08:23 (permalink)
    I don't know

    I use SQL Express 2005 from the links in the others posts.

    i have used mised auth : cannot log and create de BBDD, i think that's the problem.

    with osql -U sa i can connect, IP and with tcp options enabled. 1433 TCP port opened 1434 UDP also, and cannot continue the install oh my god this is a pain!!!
    post edited by oscar32 - 2010/07/21 11:01:46
    Re:HC8 Installation 2010/07/21 23:42:56 (permalink)
    Have you checked the installation logs for your HC installation under: X:\Program Files\Advanced Communications\HostingController\Logs ? This may give you some clue why HC is not being installed properly. By the way I was advised with the same article which is given to you by HC Support team and that helped me to resolve the installation error. May be you are also very near to the solution
    Premium Member
    Re:HC8 Installation 2010/07/22 01:00:55 (permalink)

    I don't know

    I use SQL Express 2005 from the links in the others posts.

    i have used mised auth : cannot log and create de BBDD, i think that's the problem.

    with osql -U sa i can connect, IP and with tcp options enabled. 1433 TCP port opened 1434 UDP also, and cannot continue the install oh my god this is a pain!!!

    If HC database or db user already existed in the sql server then it will not create with installation automatically. You should try to provide new db & db user name while installing HC.

    Alternative way, is to create create HC db manually and restore HC.bak file from hosting controller installation c:\program files\advanced communication/hostingcontroller/database. And create new db user and gives db_owner permission.

    Junior Member
    Re:HC8 Installation 2010/07/22 14:09:04 (permalink)
    Thanks all for your responses.

    Finally my boss checked the support help to install HC, peharps next time

    Thanks anyway all!
    Junior Member
    Re:HC8 Installation 2010/07/27 23:20:15 (permalink)
    I try to install HC8 on Windows Server 2008

    I installed IIS with .NET framework 3.5 sp1 and MS SQL 2008.

    When I install HC, It's not work.

    I try to create web and point to HC web folder, OK it's found web but cannot login.
    I restored DB manually from hc.bak and created user for db "hcdbadmin" and set password as I input when install HC.

    In the web page, it can read from db because dropdown of language appear.

    BUT I don't know the username and password to login.

    It's invalid when i input "hcadmin".

    Please HELP.
    Junior Member
    Re:HC8 Installation 2010/07/27 23:23:33 (permalink)
    I open in DB, table => tblUsers

    I see one user name "hostadmin" with no password
    I also use ResetPassword.exe but it said => Error updating password in OS

    How to login please !!
    post edited by oatania - 2010/07/27 23:38:01
    Premium Member
    Re:HC8 Installation 2010/07/28 00:17:27 (permalink)

    By default HC create host user with name ' hcadmin ' if it is existed in the server then you can modify hostadmin with hcadmin in the database. Or if user not existed in the computer management then create new user ' hostadmin ' under HCGroup member.

    Secondly, you will need to create new db user and give it db_owner permissions. Then modify the HC connectivity with database server using RegisteredServer.exe located in HC installation /application folder.


    I open in DB, table => tblUsers

    I see one user name "hostadmin" with no password
    I also use ResetPassword.exe but it said => Error updating password in OS

    How to login please !!

    Junior Member
    Re:HC8 Installation 2010/07/28 19:01:45 (permalink)
    Thank Patrick

    Now, I changed username in DB to hcadmin and ResetPassword.exe can change password, so it seem to work.

    hcadmin is user of my computer in HCGroup.

    I  setup as you said so web app can connect to DB.

    But one thing, I cannot login.
    I don't know WHY??
    I don't sure it's a problem,
    when I install HC, it pop up => The specified module could not be found (msls31.dll)
    post edited by oatania - 2010/07/28 19:15:20
    Junior Member
    Re:HC8 Installation 2010/07/28 19:33:59 (permalink)
    I install again and this is log with problem

    Logging Method : RestoreDatabase
    ReturnValue = 0
    Error = Unable to create the SQLServer object.
    Logging Method : RegisterServer
    ReturnValue = 0
    Error = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Error -2147217843Login failed for user 'hcdbadmin'.IDispatch error #3149
    Logging Method : UpdateHostToDB
    ReturnValue = 0
    Error = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Error -2147467259[DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (WrapperRead()).]General network error. Check your network documentation.Unspecified error
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